Taking Physical Backups for MySQL

 Taking Physical Backups for MySQL

In that scenario, you have probably used mysqldump or Percona XtraBackup to accomplish the task – the mysqldump client is a backup app written by Igor Romanenko, it is mostly used to dump a database or a set of databases for backup procedures or transferring into another database server. Percona XtraBackup on the other hand is based on InnoDB’s crash-recovery functionality.

Physical Backups:-

As already mentioned above, physical backups backup data at a system level. In general, physical backups can be taken by following these steps:

  • Shut down the MySQL server – make sure to perform a clean shutdown (also known as a slow shutdown) – such a shutdown operation performs additional InnoDB flushing operations before completing. Simply specify the parameter innodb_fast_shutdown=0 in your my.cnf file or run the query SET GLOBAL innodb_fast_shutdown=0; – the value of innodb_fast_shutdown determines whether the backup operation is slow or fast: 0 performs a slow shutdown, 1 performs a fast shutdown. With a value of 2 InnoDB will shut down as if MySQL had crashed – recovery time is often slower when a value of 2 is in use.
  • Back up all files related to InnoDB (ibdata, .ibd, .frm, also the ib_logfile* files).
  • Back up the contents of your my.cnf configuration file.

Physical backups are typically faster than logical backups because they only involve file copying.


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