·         Introduction
·         Renaming a table
·         Adding column to a table
·         Removing column from a table.
·         Increasing width of a columns.
·         Decreasing width a columns.
·         Changing data types of a columns.
·         Copying of a table.

Let us turn our focus on modifying the existing structure of table. By structure we means column names, data types and constrains.

Renaming a table:-
Now change the table name COLLAGE TO COLLAGES.
SQL> select * from collage;
COLLAGE                  ROLLNO NAME            MARKS
-------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
rkdf                          1 sanjay             12
rkdf                          2 salaj              34
oist                          3 rahul              23
ptl                           4 sunil              45
oist                          5 neelesh            43
rkdf                          6 ruchi              21
rkdf                          7 sarika             49
rkdf                          8 satish             32
oist                          9 null               31
oist                         10 abc
oist                         11 xyz
11 rows selected.
SQL> rename collage to collages;
Table renamed.
SQL> select * from collage;
select * from collage
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
SQL> desc collages;
 Name                                                                                Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------------
 COLLAGE                                                                                      VARCHAR2(20)
 ROLLNO                                                                                       NUMBER
 NAME                                                                                         VARCHAR2(10)
 MARKS                                                                                        NUMBER(5)

SQL> desc collage;
ORA-04043: object collage does not exist

Adding column to a table:-
Let us add an extra column in class in collages table

SQL> alter table collages add collage_name varchar2(20);
Table altered.
SQL> alter table collages add (collage_name varchar2(20));
Table altered.

SQL> desc collages;
 Name                                                                                Null?    Type
 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------
 COLLAGE                                                                                      VARCHAR2(20)
 ROLLNO                                                                                       NUMBER
 NAME                                                                                         VARCHAR2(10)
 MARKS                                                                                        NUMBER(5)
 COLLAGE_NAME                                                                                 VARCHAR2(20)

The new column will be always be added at the end of last column.
We can’t add new columns in between existing columns or at the position.

Removing columns from a table:-
Let us remove a column collage_name from the table.
SQL> alter table collages drop column collage_name;
Table altered.
SQL> desc collages;
 Name                                                                                Null?    Type
 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------
 COLLAGE                                                                                      VARCHAR2(20)
 ROLLNO                                                                                       NUMBER
 NAME                                                                                         VARCHAR2(10)
 MARKS                                                                                        NUMBER(5)

Increasing width of column:-
Let us now increasing the with column name column to 15 character.
SQL> desc collages;
 Name                                                                                Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------------------------------- -------- ------------------------------
 COLLAGE                                                                                      VARCHAR2(20)
 ROLLNO                                                                                       NUMBER
 NAME                                                                                         VARCHAR2(10)
 MARKS                                                                                        NUMBER(5)
SQL> alter table collages modify name varchar2(15);
Table altered
SQL> desc collages;
 Name                                                                                Null?    Type
 ------------------------------------------------------------------ -------- ----------------------------------
 COLLAGE                                                                                      VARCHAR2(20)
 ROLLNO                                                                                       NUMBER
 NAME                                                                                         VARCHAR2(15)
 MARKS                                                                                        NUMBER(5)

Decreasing width of a column:-
Let us decreasing a width of name column to 10 again.
SQL> alter table collages modify name varchar2(10);
Table altered.
SQL> desc collages;
 Name                                                                                Null?    Type
 ------------------------------------------------------------------ -------- ------------------------------
 COLLAGE                                                                                      VARCHAR2(20)
 ROLLNO                                                                                       NUMBER
 NAME                                                                                         VARCHAR2(10)
 MARKS                                                                                        NUMBER(5)

Column size can be reduced only in two cases.
·         All the record contain NULL values for that columns.
·         The size of data which is already present is less than or equal to the new size specified.

Changing data types of a columns:-
We can change data types from CHAR TO VARCHAR2 and vice-versa, that is again we change the data types of name column from varchar2 to char.
The alter table command can be used to change the data types.
SQL> desc collages;
 Name                                                                                Null?    Type
 ------------------------------------------------------------------ -------- -----------------------------
 COLLAGE                                                                                      VARCHAR2(20)
 ROLLNO                                                                                       NUMBER
 NAME                                                                                         VARCHAR2(10)
 MARKS                                                                                        NUMBER(5)
SQL> alter table collages modify name char(10);
Table altered.
SQL> desc collages;
 Name                                                                                Null?    Type
 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
 COLLAGE                                                                                      VARCHAR2(20)
 ROLLNO                                                                                       NUMBER
 NAME                                                                                         CHAR(10)
 MARKS                                                                                        NUMBER(5)
We can change the data types from char to varchar2 and vice-versa provided the new size is more than or equal to the size of the existing data values.
Changing number data type to char:-
SQL> desc collages;
 Name                                                                                Null?    Type
 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
 COLLAGE                                                                                      VARCHAR2(20)
 ROLLNO                                                                                       NUMBER
 NAME                                                                                         CHAR(10)
SQL> alter table collages modify rollno char(4);
alter table collages modify rollno char(4)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01439: column to be modified must be empty to change datatype
We can not change the data types from NUMBER TO CHAR/VARCHAR2 and vice-versa.
First we need to empty the data values for the column and then modify it to the new data types.
SQL> update collages set rollno=null;
11 rows updated.

SQL>  alter table collages modify rollno char(4);
Table altered.
SQL> desc collages;
 Name                                                                                Null?    Type
 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------
 COLLAGE                                                                                      VARCHAR2(20)
 ROLLNO                                                                                       CHAR(4)
 NAME                                                                                         CHAR(10)
 MARKS                                                                                        NUMBER(5)

Copying a table:-
A table has two component: structure and record. Structure refer to column name, data types and constraints. Record refer to the data which is available in the table.
To copy structure as well as record we can use the CREATE TABLE command with SELECT AS clause.
SQL> create table employee(id number(5) primary key,
  2  name varchar2(10) not null,
  3  address varchar2(50));
Table created.
SQL> insert into employee values(&p_id,'&p_name','&p_addrss');
Enter value for p_id: 1
Enter value for p_name: satish
Enter value for p_addrss: patna
old   1: insert into employee values(&p_id,'&p_name','&p_addrss')
new   1: insert into employee values(1,'satish','patna')
1 row created.
SQL> /
Enter value for p_id: 2
Enter value for p_name: alam
Enter value for p_addrss: gaya
old   1: insert into employee values(&p_id,'&p_name','&p_addrss')
new   1: insert into employee values(2,'alam','gaya')
1 row created.
SQL> commit;
Commit complete.
SQL> create table employee_new as select * from employee;
Table created.
SQL> desc employee_new;
 Name                                                                                Null?    Type
 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
 ID                                                                                           NUMBER(5)
 NAME                                                                                NOT NULL VARCHAR2(10)
 ADDRESS                                                                                      VARCHAR2(50)

SQL> select * from employee_new;
        ID NAME       ADDRESS
---------- ---------- --------------------------------------------------
         1 satish     patna
         2 alam       gaya

Copying a table specifying different column names:-
We can use the aliasing concept to specifying different column names for the new table.
SQL> desc employee;
 Name                                                                                Null?    Type
 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
 ID                                                                                  NOT NULL NUMBER(5)
 NAME                                                                                NOT NULL VARCHAR2(10)
 ADDRESS                                                                                      VARCHAR2(50)
SQL> create table em_diff as select id as empno,name as emp_name,address as emp_address from employee;
Table created.
SQL> desc em_diff;
 Name                                                                                Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------------------------------- -------- --------------
 EMPNO                                                                                        NUMBER(5)
 EMP_NAME                                                                NOT NULL VARCHAR2(10)
 EMP_ADDRESS                                                                                  VARCHAR2(50)

Copying table structure only not record:-
We can just copy structure excluding record by using WHERE clause with a condition which always evaluates to FALSE for every record in base table.
SQL> create table emp_structure as select * from employee where 1=2;
Table created.
SQL> desc emp_structure;
 Name                                                                                Null?    Type
 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------
 ID                                                                                           NUMBER(5)
 NAME                                                                                NOT NULL VARCHAR2(10)
 ADDRESS                                                                                      VARCHAR2(50)
SQL> select * from emp_structure;
no rows selected



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