I.                    Adding record
      II.                    Deleting record.
    III.                  Updating/modifying data values.
   IV.                    Saving and undoing change in data.
     V.                    Truncate
   VI.                   Drop

DBMS is basically collection of data in the form of table with row and columns. The first step is to create a table and adding new record.
Inserting values of different data types
Character data types:-
The character/string values can be regarded as input which use single quotes.
Number data types:-
The number data type can be regarded as input directly without any quotes.
Date data types:-
The date data types values can be regarded as input single quotes if the value being supplied is in default oracle format (dd-mm-yy or dd-mm-yyyy).
To insert in desired format we have to use the TO_DATE () built-in function with format specified.
 Adding null values:-
Any data types can be supplied unknown value by specifying NULL.
Do not use NULL with quotes as it will store the next ‘NULL’ INSTEAD of the unknown values.
Now create table with different data types and add record.
SQL> create table students(rollno char(4),name varchar2(10),date_of_birth date,mark number(5));
Table created.
SQL> insert into students values('1','alam','14-oct-1993',60);
1 row created.
SQL>  insert into students values('2','praveen','20-nov-1994',70);
1 row created.
SQL> insert into students values('3','ashu','15-aug-1991',null);
1 row created.
SQL> insert into students values('4','aman',null,96);
1 row created.
SQL>  insert into students values('5',null,'15-dec-1995',90);
1 row created.
SQL> select * from students;

---- ---------- --------- ----------
1    alam       14-OCT-93                  60
2    praveen    20-NOV-94               70
3    ashu       15-AUG-91
4    aman                                           96
5                     15-DEC-95                 90

SQL> select rollno,name,to_char(date_of_birth,'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') DOB,mark from students;
ROLL NAME       DOB                       MARK
---- ---------- ------------------- ----------
1    alam       14/10/1993 00:00:00         60
2    praveen    20/11/1994 00:00:00       70
3    ashu       15/08/1991 00:00:00
4    aman                                                       96
5                    15/12/1995 00:00:00           90
Character data type’s values are enclosed in single quotes.
Number data type are not required quotes.
Date data type:-
Values are enclosed in single quotes. Format specified is optional.
If we supply date component only then the time store is 00:00:00.
The time component can be specified using built in function TO_DATE () with format specifier.
 To display both date and time use TO_CHAR () built in function.

String substitution for adding multiple record:-
It is quite cumbersome and requires a lot of typing if we want to insert many record.
Oracle has a provision called STRING SUBSTITUTION which is come very handy in such scenarios’.
String substitution uses the symbol ‘&’ and ‘&&’.
SQL> create table std(collage char(5),rollno number,name varchar2(10),marks number(4));

Table created.

SQL> insert into std values('&p_collage','&p_rollno','&p_name','&p_marks');
Enter value for p_collage: ime
Enter value for p_rollno: 1
Enter value for p_name: ashu
Enter value for p_marks: 65
old   1: insert into std values('&p_collage','&p_rollno','&p_name','&p_marks')
new   1: insert into std values('ime','1','ashu','65')

1 row created.

SQL> /
Enter value for p_collage: its
Enter value for p_rollno: 2
Enter value for p_name: aman
Enter value for p_marks: 60
old   1: insert into std values('&p_collage','&p_rollno','&p_name','&p_marks')
new   1: insert into std values('its','2','aman','60')

1 row created.
‘&p_collage’ tell oracle to ask for the values of ‘p_collage’ string when the insert statement is executed.
Single quote is required as the collage column is of character data types.
Single quotes is not required for marks as it is of number data types.
To add new record just types ‘/’ at sql prompt and press enter key. Oracle will repeat the previous step.
‘/’ repeat the previously executed sql statement.

Let suppose we have to enter multiple record for the student of the same collage, say ‘IME’ oracle provide ‘&&’ as substitution string which store the value once supplied for the current sql session.
SQL>  insert into std values('&&p_collage','&p_rollno','&p_name','&p_marks');
Enter value for p_collage: ime
Enter value for p_rollno: 3
Enter value for p_name: alam
Enter value for p_marks: 65
old   1:  insert into std values('&&p_collage','&p_rollno','&p_name','&p_marks')
new   1:  insert into std values('ime','3','alam','65')
1 row created.
SQL> /
Enter value for p_rollno: 4
Enter value for p_name: pankaj
Enter value for p_marks: 50
old   1:  insert into std values('&&p_collage','&p_rollno','&p_name','&p_marks')
new   1:  insert into std values('ime','4','pankaj','50')
1 row created. 
Note that values for p_collage was prompted for the first INSERT statement and not for the next INSERT statement which is executed by / at SQL prompted.
Deleting implies removing the record from a table which are no longer required.
SQL> select * from std;
----- ---------- ---------- ----------
ime            1          ashu                 65
its              2           aman               60
ime            3          alam                 65
ime            4          pankaj              50

SQL> delete from std;
4 row deleted.
SQL>select * from std;
No row selected.
All record have been removed on issuing the delete command.
Deleting specific record:-
Now assume that the table with the original data.
Delete record of rollno 4. Record of rollno 4 can be deleted by using where clause.
SQL>delete from STD where rollno=4;
1 row deleted.
Delete specific record using Boolean operator:-
SQL>delete from STD where rollno =4 and subject=’math’;
1 row deleted.
Deleting record from one table depending on record in another table:-
We need to delete those rollno from student_master table for which mark have not been entered in student_details table.
SQL>delete from student_master where rollno NOT IN (select rollno from student_details); 
1 row deleted.

Update refer to changing or modifying values in columns of existing record.
SQL> select * from std;
----- ---------- ---------- ----------
ime            1            ashu               65
its               2            aman              60
ime            3             alam               65
ime            4             pankaj            50

Updating all record:-
Let now add 5 mark to mark obtained by every student.
SQL> update std set marks=marks+5;
4 rows updated.
SQL> select * from std;
----- ---------- ---------- ----------
ime            1 ashu               70
its            2 aman               65
ime            3 alam               70
ime            4 pankaj             55

Updating specific column values for a specific record:-
SQL> update std set name='praveen' where rollno=4;
1 row updated.
SQL> select * from std;
----- ---------- ---------- ----------
ime            1 ashu               70
its            2 aman               65
ime            3 alam               70
ime            4 praveen            55
Updating multiple column in single update statement:-
SQL> update std set name='arun',marks=90 where rollno=1;

1 row updated.

SQL> select * from std;
----- ---------- ---------- ----------
ime            1 arun               90
its            2 aman               65
ime            3 alam               70
ime            4 praveen            55

Updating table using IN operator:-
SQL> select * from student_masters;
    ROLLNO NAME                           CITY
---------- ------------------------------ ----------
         1 satish                         bhopal
         2 rasmi                          ajmer
         3 rishi                          bhopal
         4 shama                          ajmer
         5 nilesh                         delhi
SQL> select * from student_details;
    ROLLNO SUBJECT                             MARKS
---------- ------------------------------ ----------
         1 maths                                  12
         1 phy                                    23
         2 maths                                  14
         2 phy                                    21
         3 maths                                  34
         4 maths                                  43
         5 maths                                  20
7 rows selected.
SQL> update student_details set marks=marks+5
  2  where subject='maths'
  3  and rollno in (select rollno from student_masters where city='bhopal');
2 rows updated.
SQL> select * from student_details;
    ROLLNO SUBJECT                             MARKS
---------- ------------------------------ ----------
         1 maths                                  17
         1 phy                                    23
         2 maths                                  14
         2 phy                                    21
         3 maths                                  39
         4 maths                                  43
         5 maths                                  20
7 rows selected.
Oracle provide certain feature for saving record and undoing changes.
Letus we are creating a table name department and insert some record.
SQL> create table department(id number,dname varchar2(10),djob varchar2(10));
Table created.
SQL> insert into department values(1,'DBA','mysql');
1 row created.
SQL>  insert into department values(2,'DBA','oracle');
1 row created.
SQL>  insert into department values(3,'java','developer');
1 row created.
SQL> select * from department;
        ID DNAME      DJOB
---------- ---------- ----------
         1 DBA        mysql
         2 DBA        oracle
         3 java       developer
Now if instead of typing ‘EXIT’ at the SQL prompt, you just click the CROSS button at the right top of SQL screen and login again and then select record from department table
SQL>select * from department;
No row selected.
Oracle has not save your data you have a killed particular SQL session.
What we normally call save is called ‘COMMIT’ IN ORACLE.
You can use DML operation after that need for ‘COMMIT’ command in oracle.
You can also change enable or disable commit.
SQL> alter session disable commit in procedure;
Session altered.
What we normally call ‘UNDO’ is called rollback in oracle.
SQL> create table student_detail(rollno number,name varchar2(10));
Table created.
SQL> insert into student_detail values(1,'pankaj');
1 row created.
SQL> insert into student_detail values(2,'alam');
1 row created.
SQL> commit;
Commit complete.
SQL> insert into student_detail values(3,'ashu');
1 row created.
SQL> insert into student_detail values(4,'aman');
1 row created.
SQL> select * from student_detail;
---------- ----------
         1 pankaj
         2 alam
         3 ashu
         4 aman
SQL> rollback;
Rollback complete.
SQL> select * from student_detail;
---------- ----------
         1 pankaj
         2 alam
We issued the COMMIT statement after inserting rollno 1 and 2. Then we insert rollno 3 and 4 followed by rollback.
Therefore on selecting record from details table after ‘ROLLBACK’ only rollno 1 and 2 exit in the table.
Oracle provide a feature wherein we can define savepoints in various DML operation so that at a later stage we can rollback change to a specific savepoints.
SQL> create table collage(rollno number,name varchar2(20),marks number(5));
Table created.
SQL> insert into collage values(1,'alam',20);
1 row created.
SQL> insert into collage values(2,'ashu',20);
1 row created.
SQL> savepoint sp1;
Savepoint created.
SQL> insert into collage values(3,'aman',30);
1 row created.
SQL> insert into collage values(3,'arun',40);
1 row created.
SQL> savepoint sp2;
Savepoint created.
SQL> insert into collage values(5,'praveen',50);
1 row created.
SQL> select * from collage;
    ROLLNO NAME                      MARKS
---------- -------------------- ----------
         1 alam                         20
         2 ashu                         20
         3 aman                         30
         3 arun                         40
         5 praveen                      50
SQL> rollback to savepoint sp2;
Rollback complete.
SQL> select * from collage;
    ROLLNO NAME                      MARKS
---------- -------------------- ----------
         1 alam                         20
         2 ashu                         20
         3 aman                         30
         3 arun                         40
SQL> rollback to savepoint sp1;
Rollback complete.
SQL> select * from collage;
    ROLLNO NAME                      MARKS
---------- -------------------- ----------
         1 alam                         20
         2 ashu                         20

Now we will create two savepoints sp1 and sp2 and then issue a commit statement.
SQL>  insert into collage values(1,'alam',20);
1 row created.
SQL>  insert into collage values(2,'aman',30);
1 row created.
SQL> savepoint sp1;
Savepoint created.
SQL>  insert into collage values(3,'ashu',40);
1 row created.
SQL>  insert into collage values(4,'arun',50);
1 row created.
SQL> savepoint sp2;
Savepoint created.
SQL>  insert into collage values(5,'pankaj',60);
1 row created.
SQL> commit;
Commit complete.
SQL> select * from collage;
    ROLLNO NAME                      MARKS
---------- -------------------- ----------
         1 alam                         20
         2 aman                         30
         3 ashu                         40
         4 arun                         50
         5 pankaj                       60
SQL> rollback  to sp1;
rollback  to sp1
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01086: savepoint 'SP1' never established in this session or is invalid

If we want to delete all record permanently, we first issue the delete statement followed by the commit.
Now that we can just use a single statement ‘TRUNCATE’ to achieve the result.
SQL> select * from collage;
    ROLLNO NAME                      MARKS
---------- -------------------- ----------
         1 alam                         20
         2 aman                         30
         3 ashu                         40
         4 arun                         50
         5 pankaj                       60
SQL> truncate table collage;
Table truncated.
SQL> select * from collage;
no rows selected
SQL> rollback;
Rollback complete.
SQL> select * from collage;
no rows selected
Note that we can use ‘TRUNCATE’ command, truncate command is delete only for record not for table or table structure and single statement and we can can’t rollback.
DROP command is used for some special case because drop command delete record and table structure.
A table has two aspects, namely
1.      The structure: - Number of column, data types of column and constraints like PRIMARY KEY, NOT NULL, UNIQUE etc.
2.      The data: - The record of row.
The DROP command is used to destroy the entire table along with contains. The drop will remove all the record and destroy the table structure also. Moreover, dropped table can’t be recovering using the ROLLBACK command.
The TRUNCATE command permanently remove the record only and not the structure. Record truncate can’t be rolled back.
The DELETE command remove the desired record (all or depending on where clause) but record removing using the DELETE command can be recovered using ROLLBACK command.
SQL> select * from collage;
    ROLLNO NAME                      MARKS
---------- -------------------- ----------
         1 ashu                         30
         2 aman                         40
         3 alam                         40
SQL> drop table collage;
Table dropped.
SQL> desc collage;
ORA-04043: object collage does not exist
SQL> select * from collage;
select * from collage
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
SQL> rollback;
Rollback complete.
SQL> select * from collage;
select * from collage
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

*      Delete record can be restore using rollback. Truncate record can’t be restore because they are remove permanently.
*      In the DELETE statement we can specify the WHERE clause there by specifying which record to be deleted. TRUNCATE remove all record.
*      On executing the DELETE statement all database trigger are fired, where as in using the TRUNCATE statement database trigger can’t be fired. As such TRUNCATE is faster and does not use as much undo space as DELETE.



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