
Percona-XtraBackup:How To Install And Configuration Percona-XtraBackup And Taking backup and restore for mysql Instance

 Percona-XtraBackup:How To Install And Configuration Percona-XtraBackup /Restore And Taking backup for mysql Instance 8.0.0. Percona XtraBackup: A free, open-source tool that creates physical backups of InnoDB, XtraDB, and MyISAM tables. It supports incremental backups, compression, and encryption. XtraBackup is an open-source hot backup utility for MySQL-based database provided by percona. According their official documents, XtraBackup is the world's only open-source, free MySQL hot backup software that perform non-blocking backups for InnoDB and XtraDB database. Step.1.We are going to percona website and download rpm package for mysql 8.0.0. Note:-Suppose that if you are using mysql 5.7 than so pls use percona Xtrabackup 2.x.x and you are using mysql 8.x.x than pls using percona Xtrabackup 8.x.x. Step.2.Now we are finally download the percona Xtrabackup  tar file. step.3.Now we are going to percona Xtrabackup untar file, Given below command:- tar

MYSQL Database Backup Several Utility

 MYSQL Database Backup Several Utility It is important to back up your databases so that you can recover your data and be up and running again in case problems occur, such as system crashes, hardware failures, or users deleting data by mistake. There are several MySQL backup tools available, each with its own features and capabilities. Some popular MySQL backup tools are: mysqldump: A built-in tool that comes with MySQL. It creates a logical backup of the entire database or selected tables. It’s easy to use and can be automated using scripts. MySQL Enterprise Backup: A commercial tool provided by Oracle for MySQL Enterprise Edition users. It creates physical backups that can be used for point-in-time recovery and incremental backups. It supports compression, encryption, and verification of backups. Percona XtraBackup: A free, open-source tool that creates physical backups of InnoDB, XtraDB, and MyISAM tables. It supports incremental backups, compression, and encryption. mydumper: A fre

Mysql Commercial Mysqlbackup:How to take full backup and resotre using mysqlbackup utility in mysql 8.0.37 enterprise edition

 How to take backup and resotre using mysqlbackup utility in mysql 8.0.36 enterprise edition Step.1.First We need go to oracle website and download mysql enterprise ediation. step.2.Download and install mysql enterprise edition. step.3.unzaip file. step.4.In Our system mysql enterprise ediation mysql8.0.36 already install and we are going install only  mysql-commercial-backup. step.5.Finally we are going to check mysql enterprise version and mysqlbackup version also. step..6.First we need to create one directory for store backup file. step.7.Now we are going  taking full backup using mysqlbackup utility.  mysqlbackup --user='username'--password --host='serverip' --backup-image=/Enterprise_Bakup/my.mbi  --backup-dir=/Enterprise_Bakup/Enterprise_Bakup-tmp backup-to-image   After that insert password and continue..... Finall we have taking bkup successfully and backup file are listed on mention directory /Enterprise_Bakup.

How Install and configure mysql enterprise firewall plugin in mysql 8.0.37

 How Install and configure mysql enterprise firewall plugin in mysql 8.0.37 Step-1.First we need require intall mysql workbench enterprie edition. step-2.Login to mysql workbench. step-3. Click on mark point in sanp short and simple install. step.4.After successfully install look like this. all feautre avilable.

How To Install Mysql Workben 8..0 Enterpise Ediation on Centos 8.5

  Step.1.login to oracle website and download workbenh 8.0. step.Install workibench 8.0 We are getting for dependencey package so first need to resolved dependencey package Finally we have resolved all dependencey package and install successfully mysql workbench. Now we are going login mysql workbench In enterprise edition a lot of feature avilable pls look into snapshort.

MySQL Point in Time Recovery: How To Configure And How Does it Work?

 MySQL Point in Time Recovery: How To Configure And How Does it Work? The point-in-time recovery allows you to restore a MySQL database to a specific time in the past. The point-in-time recovery relies on two key components: Full backup: This serves as the foundation for recovery, providing the starting state of the database. Binary logs: These binary log files record all changes made to the database, allowing you to replay those changes to a desired point. If you don’t have a full backup or binary logs enabled, you cannot carry the point-in-time recovery. We’ll illustrate how to perform the point-in-time recovery in MySQL to recover a database to a specific point in time. Checking binar log status:- We need login to mysql server and run given below command:- show global variables like 'log_bin' ; Show output for enable mysql-bin log. Creating a new sample database & taking a full backup:- We are going to login in mysql databse and creating new database and table.given