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MongoDB CRUD Operations

MongoDB CRUD Operations. MongoDB is a persistent document-oriented database used to store and process data in the form of documents. As with other database management systems, MongoDB allows you to manage and interact with data through four fundamental types of data operations: In this article, we will learn all 4 major operations– CREATE, READ, UPDATE, and DELETE that form the CRUD operations in MongoDB. What is CRUD in MongoDB? CRUD operations describe the conventions of a user interface that let users view, search, and modify parts of the database. MongoDB provides an elegant way of performing CRUD operations with the programming language of your choice through its drivers. MongoDB documents are modified by connecting to a server, querying the proper documents, and then changing the setting properties before sending the data back to the database to be updated. When it comes to the individual CRUD operations: C :-Create operations, which involve writing data to the database. R :-Read

How to manage users and authentication in MongoDB/MongoDB Role-Based Access Control

How to manage users and authentication in MongoDB Managing users and authentication are some of the most important administration tasks of managing MongoDB servers. You must ensure that the server is configured to be able to properly identify your users and applications and deny connections or operations that are unable to authenticate correctly. To manage these requirements, you must be able to decide which the users your server requires and create those accounts. As part of this process, you can set the authentication details to allow external access using the new identity. MongoDB is a powerful, open-source NoSQL database that supports flexible data structures, easy scalability, and efficient performance. Understanding how to manage users and roles is critical for maintaining database security. In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to create users, define roles, and grant privileges in MongoDB. Irrespective of whether you’re running a local instance or deploying on a large-scale, thes

MongoDB Architecture

  MongoDB Architecture MongoDB is a popular NoSQL document-oriented database management system, known for its flexibility, high performance, high availability, and multi-storage engines. The term NoSQL means non-relational. It means that MongoDB isn’t based on a table-like relational database structure. It is used by Adobe, Uber, IBM, and Google. In this article, we will delve into the MongoDB architecture, exploring its key components and how they work together. Key Features of MongoDB:- Document-oriented Database Stores data in BSON-like documents. Schema Less database. It provides horizontal scalability with the help of sharding. It provides high availability and redundancy with the help of replication. It allows one to perform operations on the grouped data and get a single result or computed result. It has very high performance. MongoDB Architecture and its Components:- MongoDB’s architecture design involves several important parts that work together to create a strong and flexibl

How To Create a Database in MongoDB

 Create a Database in MongoDB MongoDB is a NoSQL, open-source document database that is created using C++. It is different from other Relational Databases like MySQL and is very high-performance in nature. One of the most important characteristics of NoSQL databases like MongoDB is that they have no schema. That is, unlike SQL, we do not specify a structure for the tables/databases. MongoDB uses documents and collections instead of rows and tables like SQL. In this article, we will discuss how to create databases in MongoDB since it does not contain a “create database” option. The Use Command:- Before diving into creating and deploying a database, let us understand the basics of MongoDB commands.  The use DATABASE_NAME command in MongoDB is used to create a database if it does not exist, else, it returns to the already existing database. Let us now see the syntax of this use command in MongoDB. Syntax of Use Command:- The use command in MongoDB is defined using the following syntax: us

MySQL Table Partitioning: Types and Examples

MySQL Table Partitioning: Types and Examples. Table partitioning is a technique used in databases to split a large table into smaller, more manageable pieces. This approach can significantly improve query performance, ease maintenance tasks, and facilitate more efficient data management. Understanding MySQL Partitioning:- MySQL is a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) which stores data in the form of rows and columns in a table. Different DB engine stores table data in the file systems in such a way, if you run a simple filter query on a table it will scan the whole file in which table data is stored. Partitioning a table divides the data into logical chunks based on keys(columns values) and stores the chunks inside the file system in such a way, if a simple filter query is run on the partitioned table it will only scan the file containing a chunk of data that you required. So in a way partitioning distributes your table’s data across the file system, so when the query is run

MySQL Replication Switchover: Step-by-Step Guide

 MySQL Replication Switchover: Step-by-Step Guide MySQL replication is a powerful feature that allows you to create redundant copies of your database for improved availability and scalability. In certain scenarios, it becomes necessary to switch the roles of the master and slave servers in a replication setup. This article will guide you through the process of performing a MySQL replication switchover, ensuring a smooth transition without any data loss. Let’s dive into the step-by-step instructions. I have tow node one is master node and another is slave node.Given below details:- Current Master: Current Slave : Verifying the Replication:- Before initiating the switchover, it’s important to verify that replication is functioning correctly on the current Slave server ( Execute the following queries to ensure the replication status: mysql> show slave status\G This command displays the slave’s status, including information such as replication